joi, august 28, 2008

Today was the day...

...of sleeping late and not feeling guilty about it
...of having lunch in PJ's
...of having pizza for lunch
...of black tea being replaced with coffee
...of watching cheap movies on TV
...of remembering such vague things that it makes you wonder whether the memory itself isn't just an illusion
...of listening to Tori
...of not doing anything
...of celebrating crying for no reason
...of looking for clouds
...of chasing down birds
...of needs I never thought I had
...of wishes that I have to live without
...of being afraid of things that'll never happen
...of remembering songs that used to be the soundtrack of everything
...of that sweet taste
...of wanting very badly to stay and leave at the same time
...of contrast
...of never getting bored of replaying memories
...of chewing gum
...of plums
...of being lazy
...of hating the sun
...of being proud and then disappointed of being proud
...of my spinning circles

Today was the day I've been avoiding all summer, but it didn't spare me. Today is not over yet.

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

of of of ... chiar ca offf...:))